Hi Darling Streeters,
I can finally reveal the finished results of the Wellness Library! After hours of painting, staining, drilling and shopping I have finished the renovation.
I am so happy with the way it turned out, and it just goes to show what can be done on a tight budget. Originally I was given $600 by Forefront Church to complete the project, but more funds became available so it was raised to $800. On top of that, some gorgeous friends of mine – Joanna, Shaka, Hannah and Eddie chipped in a little extra so I ended up having $870 to play with. Thanks so much to Joanna, Susie, Elisa, Craig and Andrew who all offered up their time to help me during various stages of renovation.
Thank you for all your supportive comments over the process too! I hope this library will provide all the residents with a calm and beautiful space for them to take some time out.
Now everyone’s favourite part – the before and after photos!
– Penny xo